Here is what I've made (and totally failed to share with you) recently:
1. Cake Pops. (For Maddie's birthday - YUM.) Recipe here. Obvs, I didn't make Halloween ones... I made octopus cake pops! ^_^

2. Chocolate Failure Pie. I made it and immediately contracted (contacted? shit, I always forget which word fits here) deathvirus o' DOOOOOM, thereby making it totally impossible to eat any sugar for like a week. Then I accidentally froze it solid and had to thaw it out. Also I ruined my mom's best saucepan. Oh, and by the time The Brother ate it, it had fermented. No, I'm not going to give you the recipe because trust me you do not want it.

I made the Brother pix message me when he ate the pie.

"It looka likea da poop."

"Ole poop."
This kid is crazy funny. Also, I am apparently 6 years old because I cannot stop laughing.
3. Cake pops again, for Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve's engagement. :D
(They look like the cake pops above except in purple & white. Also, no octopi.)
4. Chocolate-chip Blondies. SUPER GOOD OMG. I forgot to take pictures :( But I'll post the recipe tomorrow. Or maybe Saturday. I promise.
5. Possibly something else? I forget. All the sugar is affecting my memory. ;)
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