Hi. I have a Taylor Swift song stuck in my head. Also, I was rudely awakened and dragged out of bed, kicking and screaming**, by Felder. Why? So I could be chained to the stove and forced to slave and slave*** and cook breakfast for him before he goes to work.
I made blueberry ernties & bacon.
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
3 tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup yogurt (plain) (duh) (I guess flavored yogurt would be interesting.) (But interesting in the way where someone made you something and they're all proud and they watch you eat it and you immediately want to puke but you swallow and OH MY GOD IT'S TRYING TO COME BACK UP and they go "how did you like it?" all hopefully and you grin the grin of a corpse and go "It's... interesting." And then you run.) (Okay, back to ingredients.)
1 egg
3 tbsp butter
1 cup milk
Okay, so... what am I doing again?
Panacakes. Right. (Attention span is shot. Too much awake, not enough asleep.)
STEP ONE: Take the flour, salt, sugar, baking soda and yogurt and sift them together in a big bowl. Except, don't sift the yogurt because ew. That would turn out pretty gross.
I did not sift because I am a lazy barsted. (If you do not know what a barsted is, say it out loud a few times.)
(Please excuse my lighting inconsistencies. I kept having to reset the flash.)
STEP TWO: Take the egg and beat it slightly. Please do not ask me the difference between a slightly beaten egg and a severely beaten egg, I am not your egg abuse hotline. Melt the butter and combine it with the egg and the milk.
STEP THREE: Mix the wet stuff with the (relatively) dry stuff. It will be lumpy lumpy lumpy. This is okay.
Yes those are chocolate chips and no you may not have them.
STEP FOUR: Cook in pan until not raw anymore, duh. If you want blueberries, add them now. Also works with chocolate chips and theoretically any other item.
STEP FIVE: Add bacon and devour.
I think Felder likes it.
STEP SIX: Profit****.
**This is a lie. I woke up of my own accord at (shudder) 7 a.m.
***Also a lie.
****Probably a lie.
P.S. Muffins coming up next!
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