And also because I have a stupid dentist appointment before my insurance runs out on Saturday, thus less time for baking, thus I'm starting tonight.
I am making a PIE on Saturday! Not just any pie, a SUPER APPLE PIE! (Superlative added by me, in the recipe it's just called Apple Pie.)
So let's look at the recipe... okay, for the crust I'm gonna need LARD?! Oh snap. Uhh, I don't have any lard on me at the moment, do you? No? Welllll I'll skip the crust then. How about we make the filling tonight? What do we need for that? Sugar, yep, apples, yep, cinnamon, yep, corn starch, uhhh... I'll just slice the apples.
So it says I need 5-6 cups of cored, pared and thinly sliced apples. I have 3 mini-apples. Mmmm.
Hell with it, let's give it a go.
[phone rings]
Me: Hello? Oh, hi Mom. Yeah, I'm making the pie tonight, do we have any more apples, or money to go get some apples? No? Oh. What's that you say? I'm supposed to use sour apples? No, no reason. 'Kay, bye!
Damn. What do I do with the thinly sliced, pared and cored apples?
NOT yum.
Trash can it is. Screw this, I'm making cookies.
P.S. Yes, that is a Think Positive shirt, why do you ask?
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